Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Dollar Tree Wildflower Mix Part II

I like to keep track of the progress of Dollar Tree Wildflower mix.  I planted, I believe it was the last week in March so this is about 3-4 weeks worth of growth.  My original post http://askmelissaanything.blogspot.com/2015/04/dollar-tree-wildflower-mix.html was when I discovered that the wildflowers were sprouting.  I'm not sure how many different flowers are in this mix.  I believe close to 20 different types.  Right now we can only see about 3 types.  One has sprouted rapidly and has large oval shaped leaves.  One has sprouted moderately and has pointed growths.  The last one that has recently sprouted is smaller in size, not much else is visible yet.  I can't wait to see how these flowers grow up to be.

There is plenty of growth.  I have been taking the pots in at night so that they don't freeze over.  One of the nights it snowed lightly so it probably would have killed these flowers if I had not taken them into the house.  I water them with warm water once a day to every other day depending on the dryness.  So far so good.

Thanks for reading.  Keep watching.  We'll see what happens to these flowers.